Rights and tenure

Following the outcomes of the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum in Lima, Land rights and Tenure were taken up as one of the four themes of the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, including a lot of follow up questions that emerged during and after the 2014 Forum.

Mountain Charcoal – Zambia. Photo by Valter Ziantoni

Disputes around tenure place limitations on the effectiveness of climate and development initiatives such as REDD+ and private investments in land-use sectors for sustainable land management. At the same time, an increased flow of finance into developing countries will have profound impacts on formal and informal institutions.

In this context, sessions at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum addressed:

  • Rights of indigenous people;
  • Legal frameworks and law;
  • Large-scale land investments and rights;
  • REDD+ safeguards and governance;
  • Institutions incentivizing sustainable resource use – lessons learned;
  • Gender and women’s empowerment.