Todd Rosenstock

Agroecologist, World Agroforestry Centre

Todd Rosenstock is an Agroecologist with the World Agroforestry Centre where he investigates how smallholder agriculture affects the environment and society. In particular, his research examines the synergies and trade-offs among food production, soil degradation, and climate at farm- and landscape scales. He currently works in a variety of farming systems in East Africa, including crop-livestock, agroforestry, and continuously cultivated cereals. Mr. Rosenstock co-leads the development of a low-cost protocol (standards of measurement) for quantifying greenhouse gas balance and identifying climate change mitigation options in smallholder systems. At ICRAF, he works with others on exploring ways to provide decision makers with the high value of information needed on uncertain factors driving farming system dynamics. He is trained in agricultural ecology (PhD, UC Davis), International Agricultural Development (MS, UC Davis), and horticulture (BS, University of Georgia, Athens).